Tag Archives: The Revelation Project

Spring Into Self-Revelation; Photo Shoot Giveaway & The Reveal 365 Project

Spring Into Self-Revelation; Photo Shoot Giveaway & The Reveal 365 Project
ShutterCal Prints

ShutterCal Prints

Though snow still blankets our yard, I swear today I can see it melting away at the edges.  The earth that is peaking through is soggy and brown. Combined with the bare trees the first glimpse of spring is cast in a grey nudity. Not totally unlike how I looked last week on the beach as we escaped to the sun on our family vacation.  The clothing layers were stripped off to expose my pale winter body, and let’s just say I was not quite “beach ready”. Despite this I was surprised to find that I kind of cared, but really I didn’t.

The ShutterCal Storage Box

The ShutterCal Storage Box

I think the comfort and ease of stripping off my outer layers of clothing might have something to do with the fact that I’ve been stripping away at emotional layers this winter by taking part in a really cool project called Reveal 365.  Reveal 365 is an online photo and journal workshop that prompts you to dig deep.  The process was inspired by the women behind The Revelation Project, where your inner beauty is captured in photo portraits combined with self discovery. (which one of my lucky readers has the chance to win by entering below!) The Revelation Project teamed up with ShutterCal to create a unique digital photo/journaling workshop where you continue to stay in tune with what really matters to you all year long. This is acheived through personal journaling, daily photos, and the tools created by Reveal 365 to guide participants through the journey of self-discovery. Life-coach prompts and topics of discussion challenge members to document, and therefore discover their passions, fears, and inspirations.

“Reveal 365 is about unleashing the brilliance of women, documenting our revelations along the way, and lighting up the world with positive action, passion, and inspiration,” -The Revelation Project (TRP) co-founder, Monica Rodgers

The daily photos can be printed out with the journal entry that coincides on the back and stored in the custom Project 365 photo box shown above.  I always loved polaroids, especially ones I had written a note on the bottom of, and I feel like this is a modern day version of those treasures. For someone who can’t remember what I did last week, I love looking back at my ShutterCal to pinpoint the special moment that I’ve captured in each day.  In this way I have also been able to look back and notice patterns in what I’ve been drawn to photograph, revealing what feeds my soul.

trpPicMonkey Collage

Having been prompted daily for the past few months to think about words like inspiration, reveal, power, motivation, and celebrate in the context of my life, to expose my winter body in public had become a silly non-issue to me.

Now I love a good snowstorm as much as the next New Englander, probably more, and my feeling in the winter is that if it is going to be cold, it might as well snow. I want it to be beautiful and cold. We are possibly expecting even more snow this week, so I’m not disillusioned that winter is over, but I swear there was something of spring in the air today.  Something that gave me that hopeful and expectant feeling of coming change.  If you are feeling the same way, that sense or readiness for spring rebirth or renewal the reveal 365 Project is a perfect way to celebrate that process. You can sign up for the Spring Session now.

You can follow Reveal 365 on Pinterest & Twitter & Enter below to win a professional photo EXPERIENCE from The Revelation Project!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I was given a free 3 month trial membership of Reveal 365 for the purpose of this review, as always all of the opinions expressed here are my own, and not influenced in any way.  This is truly a unique experience and I am signing up to continue on my own for the next session I like it so much!