Category Archives: Women’s Issues
Inspiring Women: Navyn Salem
Excerpt from A life Changing Visit To Niger on The Plumpy’Blog

Navyn in the Plumpy’nut training room where the moms are educated about how and why this product is used.
“As I stood in the malnutrition ward of a regional hospital, my chest tightened, and I had to work hard to keep my composure. There were no welcoming smiles, only blank, empty stares. My camera, normally always at the ready, dropped down to my side. I couldn’t bring myself to snap images of so many children and mothers in despair. To my left, a little girl lay on a bed, emaciated, listless, and very alone. I didn’t know her story. “Where is her mother?” I asked myself. All I could do was watch her chest rise and fall – as I did with my own newborn girls – and I clung to the possibility that, in this place, because of the nutritional peanut-paste we make, her life would continue.” -Navyn Salem, Executive Director, Edesia Global Nutriton Solutions
Navyn Salem was shocked when she first heard the drastic statistics on global child malnutrition, and she was amazed that she had not heard about it sooner. As a mother herself she could not imagine a parent having to lose a child to something as easy to resolve as malnutrition, so the former stay-at-home mother of four, took it upon herself to do something about it. With over 23 million children suffering from malnutrition in some form, and the cause of about one third of all child deaths globally, she realized there was not enough attention on the issue, and yet it seemed the simplest to tackle. Her father was born in Tanzania, and as an area that she had a connection to, she knew that she wanted to give back to that part of the world. Five years ago the seeds for Edesia were planted. She began by speaking with experts, with a goal to increase access to products already out there, by expanding research and studying best practices until she developed a plan.
Navyn worked with Nutriset, a French company already producing ready to use therapuetic and supplementary food products. These products were revolutionary because unlike previous supplements available to treat malnutrition, they did not need clean water or refrigeration, two things scarce in much of the developing world. Edesia began by opening it’s first plants in Africa, where it created jobs for production workers, helped local farmers and by producing the products locally, cutting shipment costs and lead time to access to the life saving nutritional aid when needed in the area. These plants are part of the Plumpyfield Network which is comprised of fourteen partners, twelve of which are located in developing countries. The network strives to create nutritional autonomy in countries where malnutrition is prevalent. Plants in the Plumpyfield Network have continued to be opened in the areas of the world that need them most such as Niger, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Haiti, and The Democratic Republic of Congo, putting to use local human resources and raw materials. Most of these production facilities are being run by women, which is striking in areas of the world where women would not traditionally have the opportunity for such a leadership role.

Photo By Navyn Salem: Using the muac tape. This child is severely malnourished as you can see the red.
The products are peanut based and filled with nutrients, unlike here in North America, peanut allergies are not an issue in these populations. Plumpy Nut, the Edesia product used to treat the most severe cases of malnutrition can bring a child from the brink of starvation back to health in just four to six weeks of use. Three years ago Edesia opened a production plant in Navyn’s home state of Rhode Island, it was the height of the recession and provided much needed jobs to the area. West and East Africa have the greatest need for the products produced by Edesia, and with drought becoming more frequent, and weather patterns becoming more severe, the need to put early warning systems in place and invest in agricultural development in these areas is critical to success. Despite what may seem an a bleak issue to some, Navyn remains optimistic.
She told me that she sees the potential within a couple of decades of investment in African agriculture and infrastructure as beneficial to the rest of the world. Africa is a large continent with untapped agricultural resources poised to become a net exporter of food that will benefit populations globally. Meanwhile better planning and strategies such as early warning systems and pre-positioning of supplies in advance are critical in getting help in time to those who need it most. She says that although sometimes it seems insurmountable, when she sees what a better solution Plumpy Nut has provided than previously available it gives her hope. The solution exists, she believes and increasing awareness is just one step in the right direction. In the meantime until we figure out better solutions to agricultural issues Navyn says that when she sees just one child’s life saved by these products, she knows that is one family who has been spared the grief of losing that child and it is all worth it.
The Pickup Artist; A Girl Looking For Girlfriends
I rushed into my husbands’ arms when he came home from work, planted a kiss, and announced, “Honey! I picked up a woman at the zoo today!” Now, I know what you are thinking, but please don’t judge me, it was a moment of desperation. You see we had moved to a new state a couple of months before, neither of us knowing a soul. We enjoyed exploring on the weekends together, but during the week, while he went to work, and engaged with other adults, I was keeping company with our 4 year old, 2 year old and 3 month old. The most sophisticated conversations I had in a typical day contained words like “boo boo” and “sippy cup”. As you might imagine by the time my husband walked through that door in the evening, I tackled him with pent up conversation, plans to go out, or threw the screaming, kids at him, and hid. I knew that these were not the greatest receptions from his long days of work. I also knew what I needed. Girlfriends.
It had been much easier to make friends in school, at work, or in playgroup, but as an adult with none of the outlets listed available, I found myself at a loss. That day I had been at the Zoo with aforementioned children, and noticed a woman at the Terrapin tank. Sure she was pretty, also fashionably dressed, but what attracted me to her,
were the two children by her side. They looked to be similar ages to my two oldest, so I made my move. I walked away from my children, and sidled up to the Terrapin tank (not unlike a bar, sans hair flip), then called them over. “Look, it’s a Diamondback turtle!” I exclaimed, sounding a bit too loud and excited, but sure enough, my children took the bait and rushed over, and the other kids looked up at me. Their mother now noticed me too. I took my opportunity, and struck up conversation. It turned out we only lived a few streets apart, and as our kids began to chatter about the turtles, we exchanged pleasantries and eventually numbers to set up a play date. I was elated! I had a friend!
I feel blessed years later to have filled my life with local friends whom I cherish, and feel like I’ve always known. When I think back to how I got to this point, and remember that void, I wonder how I ever survived those first few months here without them. The truth is that I was within two hours drive of my very best childhood friends. On occasion when my husband was at work, I would toss the kids in the car and drive for hours just for girlfriend therapy. It was after a couple of days of driving an hour
one way to see one friend, and then two hours in the other direction the next day to see another that I realized my desperate situation. I would always have my “Friendevers” to run to, I knew that, but I had to face that my home was here ,and I needed to make friends here. I needed someone I could call up on short notice just to get together for coffee without three hours round trip in the car.
The process of finding friends struck me as not terribly unlike dating, Searching out another soul looking to connect. Wanting, no, hoping, to be attractive, and interesting enough for them to want to see you again. There were good play dates and bad along the way. Some of the charming, funny, and magnetic women turned out to be similar to those charismatic bad boys that had once seemed so alluring, but could be hurtful, and untrue. There were women who I met who already had a close-knit group, with no time to add new friends to their lives. Then there were pleasant surprises, finding the most genuine, funny and caring friend I could wish for in someone who had flown under my radar. I joined all the playgroups, book clubs, and parent teacher groups I could find, and through it all friends with common interests filtered through and filled my life in a way that only good girlfriends can. Sure I had some one-night stands along the way, but when looking for friends, the soul mates are the ones I was truly after.
A version of this post was previously seen on
Every Child Deserves A #5thBDay
Every Child Deserves a Fifth Birthday. Preventable infectious diseases cause most child deaths under the age of 5 years old on a global level. Over the past 50 years, there has been major progress; child mortality has been reduced by 70%. This is largely due to high-impact tools and interventions for child survival; most notable are new vaccines, distribution of mosquito nets, and more community health workers. The USAID Child Survival Summit and Call to Action brought 700 International Leaders to Washington D.C. to meet June 14th and 15th to renew their commitment to ending preventable child deaths. See what Hillary Clinton and Ben Affleck had to say at the summit in the below video:
With four children of my own this issue hits home for me, I feel fortunate to have access to good healthcare for my family. I can only imagine the anguish as a mother to not have that access to easily preventable diseases.
May all the worlds’ children have the opportunity to celebrate their 5th birthday.
1,000 babies are born every day with HIV. By the year 2015 that number could come close to zero. That is the goal of (RED), and until June 10th you can take part in the (RED) RUSH TO ZERO campaign to help make that happen! Check out the (RED) RUSH TO ZERO website to find out ten things you can do through June 10th to contribute. Two easy steps I am planning to take today to get started are to visit Starbucks like I love to do, and check in on my foursquare account, which will then automatically donate a dollar to The Global Fund! Then I am going do a little shopping on-line and pick a (RED) product to purchase, which will also donate to the (RED) RUSH TO ZERO campaign. Both actions are easy and fun for me to do, and it makes me feel good to know that the money I spend today on things I would buy anyway, will go towards such an important global cause. If you need another good reason to take a look at how some of your favorite brands are getting involved, Father’s Day is coming up soon (I’m thinking the Dr. Dre headphones look pretty cool for dad)!
You can track (RED) Money at work in Africa. To date, over $190 Million has been contributed to the Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS (from (RED) partners and events). *100% goes to programs on the ground via the Global Fund-supported HIV/AIDS programs in 6 African countries: Ghana, Lesotho, Rwanda, South Africa, Swaziland, and Zambia. Over 14 Million people have been reached by programs (RED) supports.