Tag Archives: UNICEF

Every Child Deserves A #5thBDay

Every Child Deserves A #5thBDay

Me turning 5 years old

Every Child Deserves a Fifth Birthday.  Preventable infectious diseases cause most child deaths under the age of  5 years old on a global level. Over the past 50 years, there has been major progress; child mortality has been reduced by 70%. This is largely due to high-impact tools and interventions for child survival; most notable are new vaccines, distribution of mosquito nets, and more community health workers. The USAID  Child Survival Summit and Call to Action  brought 700 International Leaders to Washington D.C. to meet June 14th and 15th to renew their commitment to ending preventable child deaths. See what Hillary Clinton and Ben Affleck had to say at the summit in the  below video:

Click Image to Play Video



With four children of my own this issue hits home for me, I feel fortunate to have access to good healthcare for my family.  I can only imagine the anguish as a mother to not have that access to easily preventable diseases.

My oldest daughter at age 5

May all the worlds’ children have the opportunity to celebrate their 5th birthday.