Jennifer Lopez is seen in a Global Mom Relay video message on the Toshiba Vision Screen in Times Square, New York, April 11, 2013. (INSIDER IMAGES/Stuart Ramson for UN Foundation) — in New York, NY.
I am a Boston girl, and aching today for the city I grew up in. I watched the Boston Marathon run through my town of Brookline each year, and my heart is breaking for those lives lost, and those injured by the terrible act of terrorism yesterday, for the city now in mourning, the runners in a daze, and all of us as global citizens who live in a world where this could possibly happen. I am hesitant to post this today as I mourn, but at the same time feel the need to come together for change in the world. I feel strongly that that needs to begin with women working together to raise children not to hate,and not to fear those different from themselves. Rather we need to teach love, tolerance, compassion and understanding. As women who may become mothers to the men of the world it needs to begin with us. Motherhood bonds you to all other mothers. As mothers we share so much that supersedes geography, culture or language. We share the love of our children and the desire for them to grow up in a peaceful world, all of us navigating through the best we can. So I do feel strongly about still telling you about The Global Mom digital relay going on, because The Global Mom Relay is a race we all can win.
The Relay was initiated on March 8th on International Women’s Day and will be running through May 8th, inspiring, and connecting us along the way. This past week in Times Square the Global Mom Relay launched its video PSA featuring Jennifer Lopez on the Toshiba big screen! Times Square is one of the world’s most visited tourist attractions and it is estimated that up to 300,00o people may pass through on any given day. It is appropriate then that the Global mom Relay video should play in what is known as the “Crossroads of The World”, and it will run every ten minutes through May 8th. It will be exciting to see the social media impact as the message to join the virtual relay plays throughout each day for the next month.
Through daily posts by moms, experts, celebrities and advocates, the Global Mom Relay is mobilizing the conversation, awareness, and actions of participants to change the state of the startling statistics on women and children’s health in this world. Nearly 7 million children under the age of 5 will die from preventable diseases each year, and every two minutes a woman will die from complications due to pregnancy, unless we act together to change things.
Each time a Global Mom Relay piece is shared on Facebook, Twitter, or by Email, or a donation of $5 or more is made by clicking on the share graphic on the post, a $5 donation (up to $62,500 per week or $125,000 every two weeks) will be donated by Johnson & Johnson and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to the Mobile Alliance for Maternal Health(MAMA) through April 18th. From April 19th through May 2nd the donations will be going to Shot@Life. (Additional Partners Girl Up and the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves benefited from the first month of the relay)
Co-chairs for the Global mom Relay Arianna Huffington, Jennifer Lopez, Lynda Lopez, Elizabeth Gore, and Sharon D’Agostino, are connecting moms everywhere through this virtual relay, and the power of social media in support of the United Nation’s Every Woman Every Child Movement. The Every Woman Every Child Movement was launched by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon to save the lives of women and children in line with the Millenium Development goals to be reached by 2015.
The energy in the room overlooking the square in the Renaissance New York Times Square Hotel on the day of the launch was palpable as we counted down in New Years Eve fashion. 10, 9, 8….. and the button was pushed to light up the towering Toshiba screen visible through the panoramic windows with the premier of the Global Mom Relay video. I was thrilled to be there for the launch event, to meet up with friends from the United nations Foundation, Shot@Life, and some of the amazing partners and contributors taking part in the Global Mom Relay. Jennifer Burden, founder of World Moms Blog , had two posts that ran in the Global Mom Relay just days after on April 13th on the Huffington Post and BabyCenter pages. The posts generated over 900 shares around the world from Asia, to Africa to Europe with type of collective energy that puts change in motion. Today writer Jennifer James, of Mom Bloggers For Social Good and Global Team of 200 has a post on Jill Sheffield, and the inspiration for her life’s work in Kenya. Each time a post is read we learn more about each other, and each time a post is shared we help others,we need to work together as mothers to make this world a better place for our children.

With Olivia Culpo, Miss Universe 2012 from Rhode Island

- Pictured L to R, Elizabeth Atalay, Documama, Holly Pavlika, Momentum Nation, Nana Meriwether, Miss USA 2012, Lynda Lopez, Lopez Family Foundation, Elizabeth Gore, UN Foundation, Jennifer Burden, World Moms Blog, Olivia Culpo, Miss Universe 2012, Sharon D’Agostino, Johnson & Johnson, Chrysula Winegar, Million Moms Challenge, Yoshi Uchiyama, Toshiba America Inc, and Jill Nystul, One Good Thing by Jillee, at the launch of the Global Mom Relay video messages on the Toshiba Vision Screen in Times Square, New York, April 11, 2013. (INSIDER IMAGES/Stuart Ramson for UN Foundation) — in New York, NY.
For more information, visit www.unfoundation.org/globalmomrelay.
Watch the video below that plays in Times Square and prepare to be INSPIRED! If you are in New York, be sure to check it out in person!