Tag Archives: Christine Kane

Fruition – My Word of The Year

Fruition – My Word of The Year

The month of January is almost over, I know many New Years resolutions have already been made and broken, but I have finally…finally! Come up with my word of the year. (Remind me next year not to do this exercise, btw, unless of course this year is wildly successful for me!) In my post last week I mentioned that as a participant in the #inspiringmoms network, I was invited to choose my Word of The Year to guide me through 2013.  The Word Of The Year  is to inspire one to live in a more intentional way. So, I was thinking this would be easy, I’d come up with something like Imagine…which I do ALL THE TIME…or Dream…also something I’m always doing, but the more I read through the exercise by Christine Kane that I was using as a guideline, (she nixed my three word idea in her first paragraph! ), the more I realized I couldn’t  choose something I already do as my word, so that also excluded the words happiness, joy, family, and Dolce Far Niente…(remember from Eat,Pray,Love ( three good words!)”the art of doing nothing”? which I have totally perfected by the way).  Nor could I let the random great words that kept popping into my mind like sassafras (a GREAT word) or whirligig (another fun word to say)  be my guiding word for 2013! Read the rest of this entry

What Is Your Word Of The Year?

What Is Your Word Of The Year?

As a participant in the #inspiringmoms network, I was invited to choose my Word of The Year to guide me through 2013.  Apparently the purpose of choosing a Word Of The Year  is to inspire one to live in a more intentional way.   My initial response was that I could not possibly choose just one word!  That might mean my word of the year should be focus…but  as friends who know me can attest, I am not very good at paring things down….as one friend once described me, I tend more to “take big chunks out of life”.   At a restaurant if I see two things on the menu I equally desire, I will try to get someone to split them with me so that I don’t have to choose just one.   To choose one Word to guide me through the whole next Year proved a daunting challenge to me.   The good news is that I also love a good personal challenge.  I did turn to help from Christine Kane, who has actually written a free guide to  download and use as your word of the year discovery tool.   Honestly I thought I’d just come up with a word, (o.k., I was going to cheat and come up with three but apparently she’s on to me) and write my blog post about my word of the year. After reading her guide (Turns out I’m not the first one to try to sneak in more than one word) I see that I need to spend a bit more time coming up with My Word.  Her philosophy is that typical New Years Resolutions so often fail because they are usually based on specific actions, as opposed to a way of living, a guiding premise.   I am still trying to loose the same 10 pounds my resolution was to loose 10 years ago, so at least in my case she is right!  She decided a word to guide your year would be a better course, and since new years resolutions have not quite worked out for me in the past, I figure why not!? Of course the first thing I knew is that my ONE word I would choose would not be wasted on those ten pounds that have come and gone and yet never dictated my actual level of happiness. Read the rest of this entry