Category Archives: Fitness

February is All About The Heart: Alex & Ani Goes Red For The American Heart Association

February is All About The Heart: Alex & Ani Goes Red For The American Heart Association

With my co-Hosts Audrey McClelland and Sherri Tracey at our Alex & Ani Party to benefit The American Heart Association

February is all about the heart, and The American Heart Association wants to raise awareness about the # 1 killer of women (& men) in America.  All this month through events like the Red on the Runway fashion show at Styleweek Northeast, Alex & Ani parties with a purpose, and the Go Red for women luncheon, the message of how to stay heart healthy is being spread.  

On February 1st to help kick off a month of Heart Health awareness for The American Heart Association , (deemed Wear Red Day by the AHA) ,  several  Alex & Ani stores held Parties With A Purpose.  Stores flooded with women in red shopping for a purpose, while awareness was raised about heart health, and the risks for women. The Alex & Ani Best Friends Bangle created in conjunction with The American Heart Association through Alex & Ani Charity By Design, which donates a portion of proceeds from each bangle to the charity.

Having lost my father to heart disease when I was 13 years old, this effort is near and dear to me.   I became involved with The American Heart Association last year, and before then had not realize that Heart Disease was the #1 killer of women.  I was also shocked to meet a couple of survivors who completely went against my perception of what someone who might suffer a heart attack would look like.  Both of them slim, fit, women in their mid-forties who eat right and exercise.

The most poignant quote that I heard from spokesperson Deb Kozial was when she asked her doctor if someone like her, in such good shape, could suffer a heart attack, then why bother doing all of the things she had been doing to stay healthy when it happened anyway? Her doctor replied that if she had not been in such good shape, the two of them would not be sitting there having that conversation, because her body would not have been strong enough to have survived.

The symptoms that women exhibit when experiencing a heart attack are different from what a men might experience, and are important to be aware of.   Women may experience chest Pain, Pain in Arms, Neck or Jaw, stomach pain or discomfort, sweating, shortness of breath, nausea, light-headedness or fatigue. I love this short by Elizabeth Banks that so perfectly captures the mom mentality when it comes to her life.

The Go Red campaign intends to spread the message that women, who are so often busy taking care of everybody else, need to take care of themselves first, and remind other women they love in their lives, mothers, sisters, and girlfriends, to do the same. For more heart healthy tips on prevention go to the American Heart Association website. After all, in the month of February it’s all about the heart.

No More Excuses! Stream Fitness Videos With Gaiam TV.

No More Excuses! Stream Fitness Videos With Gaiam TV.


Oil Painting by Elizabeth Atalay

























My introduction to unlimited access to streaming fitness videos with Gaiam TV could not have come at a better time! I’m not much for New Years resolutions, but I do appreciate the start of the New Year as a great time to re-set routines. Since the holidays my fitness routine has faltered, and in 2013 I am determined to get back on track.  As many of you know, as a mom, having total control over your daily routine is not always an option.  The past few weeks have been a frustrating example of this for me, having just sworn to myself to get back to the gym, and start practicing Yoga on a regular basis. First a dishwasher debacle left me home on six separate days just waiting for service people in what seemed interminable time windows. When they say they’ll be there between 9am-12 noon, why do they come at 11:59 every time?!   Then this morning I am paying the price for what was a fantastic ski weekend in Stowe, VT.   After a fun day of skiing (despite the cold), we had to push it like we always do, and squeeze in a visit to the Trapp Family Lodge, and a tour of the Ben & Jerry’s factory before heading home.  They were both worthy side trips, but we did not get home until around 11pm last night.  Only two out of four of my kids made it to school this morning.

No more excuses though, Read the rest of this entry

Urban Sweat

Urban Sweat


As a busy mom I love finding spaces of solitude and relaxation in which to re-charge when my kids are out from underfoot.  In the summer sometimes it is as easy as just heading to the beach or taking the dog for a hike through the woods.  In the wintertime finding that space can be more of a challenge. When I was invited as part of Rhode Island Digital Media Women to check out the facilities of Urban Sweat at Raffa yoga in Cranston for the day, I discovered my winter oasis.  As soon as you walk in the door you feel like you have been transported from Rhode Island to an exotic getaway in a far off land.  Being first a yoga studio, of course the vibe is very Zen, but the addition of Urban Sweat to Raffa Yoga provides a space to prolong your pampering before, after, or in lieu of that yoga class.  Luxuriate in the Eucalyptus Steam room, or the Urban Hamman, lounge in the healing Himalayan Salt Grotto, or indulge in a relaxation massage.  When you are thoroughly relaxed and determined not to ruin it all by going home to do more laundry, just lounge on the waterbeds and beanbag chairs strewn throughout the relaxation room. Read a magazine, bring a book, enjoy refreshments from the organic juice bar and healthy snacks like spring rolls.  It is like going to the library for your soul. Cleansing, healing, meditative, I am already fantasizing about spending a lot of time lounging around in there this winter.

Urban Sweat has truly created a paradise in which to unwind where Old World Wisdom meets New World self care.  A place to just relax and breathe your worries away.  They have 21 therapeutic massage and treatment rooms and 6 heat therapy rooms to foster and encourage your health and well being.  I love the assertion that therapeutic massage is not just a luxury, but as a healthy necessity, and they have priced their monthly massage memberships to reflect that philosophy.

” Our Old World offerings provide an opportunity to unplug and disconnect from the stress-inducing pace of each day and provide a space to calm and center oneself, detoxify, and truly relax. After a session at Urban Sweat, you’ll be ready to meet the challenges of each day ahead.”-Urban Sweat

If you are looking for that magical place to find escape and to relax, Urban Sweat sets the stage (I’ll be the one asleep on the waterbed).


Swimming Against The Tide; Why My Worst Race Was My Best

Swimming Against The Tide; Why My Worst Race Was My Best

The light filtering through the window woke me from my deep sleep, and as I began to stir I became aware of the soreness blanketing my body.  It was a light blanket that I tossed off by stretching my arms and legs, but the sensation connected me to my full 5’9″ frame in a way I can’t remember feeling for a long time. Perhaps it wasn’t since the bodily awareness that I had during my pregnancies that I felt so wholly connected to my physical being, and what I felt was gratitude.  Yes, a similar gratitude and amazement that I felt after giving birth to tiny healthy humans (just not quite in the same magnitude).   Grateful that my body was strong and healthy enough to carry me through the challenge of the race I had completed the previous day when faced with unexpected conditions.  The Nantucket triathlon had been my fifth sprint triathlon, and took me an hour longer than any previous race.  Though it may seem like an epic fail to most, and admittedly is on one level, I personally consider it my best triathlon yet.  Made up of a 1/3-mile swim, 14-mile bike and 3.3-mile run, in the past this has typically taken me around an hour and a half to finish.  My time for this race was around two hours and twenty-three minutes.  Sprint triathlons send the swimmers out in approximately three minute intervals called waves, generally grouped by age and gender. My swim group was the second wave after the Elites.  We stepped into the water expecting cold but were surprised by it’s relative warmth.  The water looked so calm that we prepared ourselves for what seemed like would be a smooth swim.   Our first clue that there was something awry came as we observed many of the Elite swimmers way off course before they even took the first turn.  The Ocean is tricky like that, and never a power to be underestimated.  The race director told us there was a small current, but it should abate by the time our wave reached the turn.  Just a little current turned out to be a huge underestimate of what the swimmers were up against.  When our wave began I made it to the first turn buoy by swimming right against the tide, but once I made the turn and hit it head on I realized that under that calm glassy surface was a raging side current that amounted to swimming in an infinity pool. I swam for 39 minutes, as hard as I possibly could, and I was getting nowhere.  Finally one of the kayakers who had been busily scooping up swimmers in need of help yelled for us all to just swim to shore.  I tried to swim straight in, but the tide swept me so that I was cheered in to my swim finish at the starting line of the swim. I was too tired to register the humiliation of this scene, and too grateful that I had made it to shore.  In retrospect I can picture me dragging my sorry self out of the water to a bunch of strapping young men calling to me and cheering after they had just watched me desperately claw at and cling to a buoy for dear life and probably doggie paddle my way to them.

 About now you might be wondering how this is the race I am most fond of. The thing is, yes, I was thrilled that I made it to shore, and that is part of it, but what I am amazed at is that, even though I finished at the starting line I really must have swam the equivalent a mile if not more, which is something that I would never voluntarily take on. It is also something I am  truly amazed to know that I could do. Sprint triathlons are usually anywhere from a ¼ mile to ½ mile swim, 12-14 mile bike and 3 to 3 ½ mile run.  The 1/3-mile swim of this race should have taken me 8-10 minutes, it took me 39, now I’m no math genius, but  at my effort level, that means I swam roughly four times the distance that I had signed up for. When I emerged from the water the race director congratulated me for a valiant effort and told me I could finish the race, but had to turn in my timing chip since I did not round the second buoy.  I had been told to swim in by a lifeguard who did not mention that I’d be dropping out by doing so. I don’t remember my response ( I can only imagine), but the crowd of racers waiting laughed as I ran off.  There was no way after that hellish swim that I was turning in my race chip, thus dropping out.  If they wanted my race chip they were going to have to chase me down, catch me, and wrestle me to the ground kicking and screaming (which would have actually been really easy for them to do in that moment of exhaustion). When I reached the bike rack the fact that my friend who I was doing the race with had not returned from the swim made me nervous.  She is a much stronger swimmer than I am, and actually is an athlete who places for her age group every time.  I could not get on my bike without knowing she had made it through the swim, but just as I started to head back to the beach to find her, I saw her running up the sand. I was just so relieved that neither of us had drowned that I could care less about finish time at that point.  After our group swam the race officials changed the swim course, to just swim to the first buoy and back.  They then had to throw out all of the swim times for the whole triathlon because of the disparity in the racers swim courses. We did not know that at the time but we did know that time really didn’t matter for us anymore.  My friend and I did the bike together, which we could never usually do,  and went on to the run together ,which made it much more fun.  We finished with less elation that usual, but had a blast  later that day celebrating our finish nonetheless.  It was not until I awoke that next morning feeling hyper aware of my sore limbs as I stretched in bed, that an incredible feeling of gratitude to my body set in.  I realized I felt stronger than I ever had before, despite the debacle of the swim, and my horrible finish time. I appreciated having finished uninjured, which is really all I set out to do.  My friend had looked up the race results on the computer; only the unofficial results were out, but we were number 701 and 712 to finish out of the 950 to register  (officially we were later moved up a bit, I jumped up to 666th). Only 800 of those actually officially finished the race, but I suspect many of those 150 who didn’t had actually turned in their chips like they were asked to. We laughed so hard at our numbers, it served us right for keeping those darn chips on, but at least we officially completed the race, and realized that now we have to come back to prove to ourselves we can do better next year.  We also now know we are stronger swimmers than we ever cared to find out!

The Biggest Brand You’ve Never Heard Of

The Biggest Brand You’ve Never Heard Of

(I received free products from Li-Ning, all opinions are my own and not swayed by outside sources.)

After being glued to our screens to watch the Olympics these past couple of weeks I’ll bet this logo looks familiar to you. That’s because by now you have seen it on all of the Chinese Athletes’ Uniforms, and those of several other countries competing in the games. The brand is Li Ning and it is probably the biggest brand you’ve never heard of. Here in America that is, but it is the Nike of China. You may know the name Li Ning from the companies founder, he is the Chinese gymnast who won six metals for China in the 1984 Olympics. That was the first Olympics that the People’s Republic of China took part in, and three of his metals were gold. Li Ning himself lit the 2008 Olympic torch at the Beijing summer Olympics. In 1990 he had set out to create a sportswear company with global reach, and today Li Ning is the biggest name in Chinese Sportswear. The company has global athletic sponsorships past and present, including several American Basketball players such as Shaquil O’Neil and Jose Calderon among others. Li-Ning sportswear had sent me a very soft thin cotton sweat shirt to try out when they first entered the U.S. sportswear market earlier this year. Aside from wearing my sweatshirt that I love, I had not thought too much more about the brand until I noticed the logo on the women’s Chinese Diving team suits that I was admiring. Some of the Chinese uniform designs were my favorite, and they were all made by Li-Ning. I recently have noticed some ads for their athletic shoes along the sidebar of my computer screen as well. I’m not quite ready to switch out of my Nikes, and both brands are made in China, but I’m guessing with their new ad campaigns and great designs for the Olympics that the brand Li-Ning will not go unknown here much longer.