Tag Archives: environmentally friendly

UncommonGoods For The Common Good

UncommonGoods For The Common Good

PicMonkey Collage

As I pull my mail out of the mailbox my pulse quickens… I see my new UncommonGoods  catalog sticking out between the rest of the mundane mail items. Oh, come on, you know you have one too! What is it Williams Sonoma? B & H? We all have that one catalog…and this is mine.  I prepare to dig in and check out what’s new, knowing I’ll find some great ideas among the pages, witty, whimsical, or creative, this is my go to shop for unique gifts. I tear out the things circled for my wish list, or the perfect gift for a friend.  This catalog is always fun to look through because UncommonGoods supports artists and environmentally friendly products keeping its inventory fresh and innovative.  I know I can always go online to order through the website, but I like the little paper reminders on hand to flip through when I am stumped for a present.  Inevitably in a few days, when I’m going through my desk papers a tiny shred from the catalog will flutter to the floor.  It might be the picture of the eggs in a nest necklace I’ve been pining for, or the Mathematical necktie for my husband that I know he’ll love.


Of course it’s the great selection they offer, but even more so I feel passionate about supporting companies that make giving back part of their business model.  Not only has Uncommon Goods managed to curate a collection of items to find the perfect give for the perfect person, but while doing so their business has donated over $700,000 to non-profits as part of their Better To Give campaign over the past 12 years.  The Better To Give program connects customers with charities around the globe, and with every purchase made a dollar is donated. Customers can choose to which of the Uncommon Goods non-profit partners the donation goes.  Through supporting the arts community, the environment, and non-profits while providing a fantastic gift selection to us, the Brooklyn based company fulfills their goal to collectively “support the planet and to make it a better world for the people who live on it”.

“As an independently-owned business, we have the freedom to support causes we believe in and to impact the world in a positive way. Giving back is important to us and we want to share that passion with you, our customers. Through our Better to Give program, we’ve been able to build a better business by connecting our customers with charities around the globe. With every purchase you make, we’re proud to donate $1 to the non-profit of your choice.”-Uncommon Goods

Better To Give w/ UncommonGoods

They  had been my favorite gift source before I learned about the Better To Give Program. I have often included items from their store in documama gift guides in the past.  Now that I am aware that every time I shop with UncommonGoods, I am also donating to a charity I care about, I am thrilled to spread the word. UncommonGoods is donating $50.00 to Women for Women International , one of their partner charities, on my behalf in return for doing so.  Women for Women International provides women survivors of war with the tools and resources to move from crisis and poverty to stability and self-sufficiency.

Along with my humanitarian interests, I am a big fan of design meets function. I strive for that in any purchase I make,  and design meets function is just one of the philosophies I share with the folks at UncommonGoods.  The goals of documama and those of UncommonGoods overlap; share great finds,support the arts, take care of the environment, and give back.

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The New “It” Bag

The New “It” Bag


Like magician’s silk scarves, the woman in front of me began pulling environmentally friendly shopping bags out of her purse.   These were not the boxy earth toned bags I now realized I had left in my car. …again. They were silky nylon, brightly colored, and geometrically patterned accessories.   They were, dare I say, stylish?  As she rolled her colorful cart away from the grocery checkout, and I sheepishly requested, “paper please”, I pondered the environmentally friendly shopping sack as the new “it” bag.   Sure my shopping bags were practical, but attractive?  Never.   I am a big believer in functional design, and love the idea that if there is an item you must carry, it may as well be appealing.  These days, plastic is passé, and though paper will do, to look like a truly savvy shopper the reusable bag is de-rigueur.    While my ice cream melted holes in my paper bags once home, I raced to my computer to track down some pretty shopping bags of my own.  A couple of the brands I found that make carrying your own shopping bags hip, are baggu and envirosax.  Of course I had to purchase my own silky colorful bags to carry, and these bags hold a ton, do not rip, and they fit in tiny pouches or roll up and snap to fit easily in your purse.  I was also excited since then to find flip & tumble produce bags, so I can avoid  plastic at the grocery store altogether.   I have since given them as gifts to my like-minded environmentally conscientious friends, and since they do fit so neatly in my purse, I have no excuse to forget them in the car again.

flip & tumble produce bags



This post is a modified version of “The New “It Bag” written by me and previously seen on www.amomknowsbest.com